Spending a day hunting, gathering, studying, and identifying fungi can turn into a wonderfully addictive hobby for individuals, couples, or families. You leave the woods relaxed, refreshed and feeling better than you have felt in years, and sometimes lucky enough to bring home an amazing assortment of deliciously edible finds.
Disclaimer: Mushroom Club Of Charlotte NC, its website, club, club members, and club officers can not be held responsible for the following;
1. The misuse, out of date, or misunderstanding of information provided.
2. Incorrect identification of your mushrooms because you are ultimately responisible for final identification.
3. Edibility of your finds.
4. Your safety while mushroom hunting, or durring forays, and other club related activities.,
Natural areas can be dangerous places, and edibility is not gauranteed therfore only you can be responsible for your participation, actions, and those of your charges please take care during all participation.